
Showing posts from September, 2019

& now you'd just carry on as normal;- as if it all meant 'nothing' whatsoever.

Might have been a salient point'

believe me, I know an underlying motive when I see one;- and yeah, on the complete fuck over still.

Because crucifixion probably isn't going to be good enough.

the whole day down, ooh; oooh.

If you 'haven’t learnt' yet how to not always forever return every last hope back to sender it’s not my problem. I personally would start calling it on stormy weather at hurricane now.

You're bullied far less than you think you are;- though yes your imaginations and perceptions are being so, somewhat more than usual. fear fear worry.

I can’t help, you still believe in too much of ‘the lie’ to even begin trying to explain.

I am allowed to very deeply hate other people as well;- you're not the only ones.

Well, maybe I'm really actually dying so;- I had too much in 2016, and need to learn my lessons in just when not to fight back and let life actually do all of that to me on purpose. But I’ll hold out for as long as is feasible, might make it to the next building project planned.

As current affairs can honestly, either intentionally or not so ‘I would @ never presume thinking’ cancel rather too much of your own past out. I’m sure she’s a very appropriate lady, but I have still been to cornwall yer know and lived the last 10 years of life. As far as I’m concerned ‘that fact’ hasn’t changed.

Look at me I am 'Ivy League clever' you may well be, but unless that’s official those beautiful veela do turn into gargoyles.

Reveal there is "honest good" in you left, I'll return the favour;- but not until then.

I choose not to, in the wisdom it would be an invasion of privacy; you noticed the gap and bought it back home anyway. So fuck you, unwanted exposure’

Just please stop pleading with bullies to not bully you;- have you not realised how that dynamic goes yet.

£ 11 confirmed;- utter fucking skin flintedness of spirit.

blah blah blah, is it yet another thing to feel miserable and confused about, 05.16am.

I judge according to how you make me feel;- thus ‘cashflow forecasts at 01.26am’

@ Can I join yer;- I mean "this lot" would make anyone wanna top themselves'

Well don’t beg for the opportunity, let them go without yer;- only then they’ll know you’re worth something’

Well something tells me it might have effect this time;- or at least difference in the afterglow.

Tell us about this jack the lad fixer please mrs hobbart.

On that score at least ‘find me now’… ha.

Is the notifyer okay as well vs dammit I "need to hide" @ quick sharp;- I know what they’re like’

Just going to the bar mate;- need to place our order, warmer ere'

@ special noted commendation goes to an example of a normal fitting in popular example of a hufflepuff with lots of friends who everybody likes, well done.

Everyone hates slytherin, but I’ve realised out and about it’s them who provide the means to do what you can all do. Hogwarts would not let it be a school house in the first place if they did literally nothing good.

He was rather shrouded sitting under a lot of blankets, I saw'

Nothing would ever be good enough for you anyway;- I’ve litmus tested pretty much everything in said logic’s already, trust me;- nothing is ever good enough for you coming from me'

As not a single logic of reason works in favour with you;- not literally anything. Knowing that, I don’t even try anymore, if you knew those reasons would just go nowhere already, you wouldn’t bother either.

What did I tell you;- you get them from ‘the back’

Well expecting today’s headline of me @ would "all things" considered, be a tad unreasonable eh’

I simply do not like the fact with they're never willing to change, but the fact remains, they don’t.

Elephant scared of a mouse.

These are people only just now beginning to recover;- go easy’

You didn’t want to carry on with your blog, why you continuuing still’

I’m afraid I ain’t got any truth serum left umbridge, sorry’

they're playing conquers'

@ What if you already know some thing's a lie;- it's not as if you can live on purpose according to it.

When it really comes to the crunch, it’s due to world politics going about.

Think whatever you want;- it is just simply that there is no law dictating I must think it as well.

Well yer know what i mean'

Life is corked though, that’s beyond all doubt; but yer do what yer can, what you gonna do, not live it in the first place.

I don't need to explain, or name name's;- but yes, there is wisdom to be found in double checking'

Actually I beg to differ;- it can still be wine tasting’

17 year of the royal, 18 year of going in circles, 19 year of how can this not be death;- honestly, I could do with a good number. 16 is best, it’s just that it wasn't allowed to truly last.

Could be pluto for one simple reason;- it’s not really brand new, it’s old news’

@ Nah, they pressed their future watchstrap button's in time;- & went to save roman the fabulist

Life ain’t fair;- but you can still make good by the very fact it ain’t fair, I mean what else yer gonna do’

Okay, if nor accepting it nor fighting back made a difference, what would you do.