No it’s called settling for less in the short term;- as a lesser evil, well fuck me the alternative’
I suppose I should say a few words;- I was a new born believing in all vampire at the time, twilight does that to a suggestable person. The lights were soon to go out thereafter for a while actually, in hindsight;- but this image is from that last stand before they did. What’s real still, harrietsham, buddhism via some country godlands, many things in hued slightly off green, also earlier in the tenteenies people had a habit of leaving perfectly reasonable things in the communal bin area.
Including this staffordshire pottery set;- you ever been to the petshop, they sell insects in clear tuppaware boxes. It’s a bit chinese;- in some film’s they’re eaten and are delicacy.
You won’t mind if a pass up on the chance eh’