I want the shore line, for a good view of the bridges; then I’ll find a bench and see.
There’s a holiday inn, maybe a map would actually help;- oh it’s a very long walk. I’m tired of just simple, nice enough as they might be comments like that. No it isn’t, this is not mogadishu; this is suburban edinburgh, I’ve already got as far as inverness and thurso in the past and you say you’re located where the travelodge is instead actually. It’s about conformity if anything when you think about it, how society and us are conditioned and programmed to be. But it’s very disingenuine, with a strong undercurrent of innate dishonesty;- and knowing we’re so I find others rather unappealing.
Be normal and fit in, okay I’ll start being organised; it’s gets roughed up it gets roughed up. Okay I’ll be a cool on the fringes kid independently “fuck the government, I’m saying no no no”. Oh it’s a very long walk, aren’t you cold. It’s what our society has become I’m afraid;- no longer does it ever seem to have heard of enough middle common ground. I’ll have a smoke outside here actually, these out the way benches, as to be honest where the fuck am I going; I need far better bearings I reckon now.I’ll ask this passer by, he’ll know; his eyes were familiar from the screen. Though I didn’t realise that until I returned home to maidstone, no way’ There was warmth in them, real kindness. And so I went those ways, half a mile down here, quarter of a mile down there. It’s still a reasonable enough time and normal people to be about. Past, well franchises you’d find by many main roads. A park; think I’m near now, I’m following those red crane lights, I reckon that would be shipping and the right way. Quarter of a mile down there, a soulful homely warm hued bit, and there; that distrust again in the eyes, well it can’t be far now surely. Oh hang on, civilisation like in the centre, bars and restuarants.
To be honest I’m a bit relieved, just that it’s somewhere that’s somewhere again; oh sod it, I’m taking a photo of these leaves, I’ll make that arty in the edit later. As maybe that’s the real actual salient point many kind of miss; sunshine on leith, sunshine on leaves, maybe the point that you could be anywhere, is the point. It’s about being where is recognisable; sunshine on where’s my tobacco even. It was circus or circle road, one of the two; another bench, I had a fag whilst cars on cobbles moderately drove past in careful mind of their beneath suspensions.Turned out I’d done a circular route, anyone for a sponsored homeless night for charity until the first train. Well because I’m not really out on a real lurch am I, I’ve got my return ticket to a good home back in kent, I just need to ensure I’m warm and undercover enough here and there near the station till the first train. This therefore isn’t really about being at risk, it’s simply about how not to seem too unduly worrying to others for several hours.
Which is another thing I wish they wouldn’t do;- what if you really are streetwise and clued up, and don’t really appreciate being thought of as a vulnerable delicate little thing in mortal danger of’
Aren’t we allowed to be chivalrous to women then, you combating kung fu lara croft you ;-)