We’re not talking black holes anymore;- that event horizon has been escaped no matter what even if they still believe they literally own black holes themselves ‘well good luck’. But I’d still say release all the cold fusion bombs;- this nuetron star is quite some ongoing long term pretender to the throne’
And I want it gone from my life;- you don’t own the universe or god, and a person is allowed to leave and make choices independent of such. Maybe it’s called modern day slavery nowadays;- but it most certainly didn’t end two hundred years ago really. Not in reality, just for fuck’s sake get real you demographic.
they haven’t got the ability to ‘themselves’ beyond amateur or for permanently free. And no, in truth I am effectively in principle being held hostage by them very against my will. Well the local community only applies the official line;- it no longer ever has ability to ‘go beyond’. Of course I want out and nothing fucking but;- I very honestly legally enough quietly beyond all hate them for their entrapment.
That policy decision made it fucking almost impossible to escape the benefits trap forever for life. Even I’m struggling to, so what hope do you think anyone else ever fucking has. Well why on god’s earth would I ever seek advice from those who would only ever know somewhat less than me.That truly would be insane.