A system or means that has become very dysfunctional, relatively to you;- maybe was never real "in the first place"
Ooh, council tax is refusing to allow itself to be paid on reasonable enough terms this month, it’s a bit the film falling down with Michael douglass to be honest. Every normal method that should be, just ain’t happening. Therefore that will be escalated in a matter of 7 days to double at risk of a life sentence. That would be a scam of mickey mouse law and cowboy courts via banana republic law then yeah. What is there to know about the canary island’s, 46664 and par in Bhutan then’
Yeah fuck you, I know things.Oooh bit contentious, better get the sketch is getting too silly police in –
Right, well I’m not being allowed to pay it in my own mindset without being forced to never be allowed to escape baby permanently, and to be honest I’d rather fucking die anyway. No money enough on card to, no gateway fucking open on a Saturday. Anyone would think the little people are setting a person up for hopelessness forever and life sentence mr vine'Right, erm;- present’s off now. Now I’m allowed to forget about Christmas entirely. Can you claim that accolade yet;- somehow I fucking doubt it. East Germany’s great, brilliant people;- but to say they’re expletively clueless bono’
Yours the latest inspired Atomic blonde’