After the lighthouse or what ever it's called, probably crocodiles'
I hate it's like this, but I saw too much of them 'as people'. a door's ajar still of course, but I don't see nearly enough of anything having changed yet, well I can see them on the b side if I look via litmus testing; laptop clunk, and on the street next to me;- a proxy coffin opposite posing next to 'well it's a bit twee'. For as long as you blame me personally for what had nothing to do with me, it will never be.
Anyway;- enough of the washing hanging out to dry. I'm better than that and it's all your fault, but yes you can be a tad too clingy. Buck up your ideas lassie, for I'm the M4 corridor and there's a guy in slough with a band to manage. It's a bit scilly actually. I'd leave the group to disband personally with attitudes like that. Pay to ave a drink with yer, as a pleading I beg yer 'in that desperate context'.
fuck off, though obviously in normal contexts I'd still pay for my drinks.seriously, just fucking disband as far as I'm concerned'