After the lighthouse or what ever it's called, probably crocodiles'

the hardest thing you'll ever stand up to is your own family as they're the ones you hurt and love the most. Thing is unless it's spousal 'and even then' love ain't really unconditional. If anything it starts becoming blindness, which too much of makes you fall foul of too much.

I hate it's like this, but I saw too much of them 'as people'. a door's ajar still of course, but I don't see nearly enough of anything having changed yet, well I can see them on the b side if I look via litmus testing; laptop clunk, and on the street next to me;- a proxy coffin opposite posing next to 'well it's a bit twee'. For as long as you blame me personally for what had nothing to do with me, it will never be.

Anyway;- enough of the washing hanging out to dry. I'm better than that and it's all your fault, but yes you can be a tad too clingy. Buck up your ideas lassie, for I'm the M4 corridor and there's a guy in slough with a band to manage. It's a bit scilly actually. I'd leave the group to disband personally with attitudes like that. Pay to ave a drink with yer, as a pleading I beg yer 'in that desperate context'.

fuck off, though obviously in normal contexts I'd still pay for my drinks.

seriously, just fucking disband as far as I'm concerned'