Fifty five minutes and counting.
Ooooh oomph this shitty life, life has always become now;- a boy lied and you all took it as fucking gospel for convenience. And now a boy’s family is greeding to high hell, and you all take it as fucking gospel for convenience. Fuck you halfwit god, Japan were nuked originally for very good reasons yer know.
I hate social housing, ever since I’ve lived in it. it’s been almost literally nothing but uber controlling. The struggle essentially is the landlord in this dynamic is essentially cast as boss;- so there’s no real escape from the fucking context of employer in the fucking first place!!! Though there’s only so much, a finite point I’m willing to repeatedly be inferred is not valid or real. You all saw what could pull off in Scotland did you not;- there’s only so much I can or am willing in the first place to genius of compress anymore yer know.So anyway, have solved an issue like that yet again, yet again, yet again, yet again, ahem ahem ahem ahem, cough cough, cough, hopeless never anything else ever anymore NUKE. I figured fuck it, I’m going to Dover, otherwise I’ll explode. Oh ang on a minute, some deeply bullying predating atos programming has just walked in on the stalk, I’ve got her her, easy kill easy kill, nice back to ride nice back to ride. rainman rainman rainman, dobby dobby dobby dobby evil's most foul not allowed allowed allowed.
Never fucking end’s;- this is what people are, and this is what they’ve only become. More commonly known as the word scream, yeah’ Look, if there’s no way ever of escaping slavery you might want to bear this in mind.LOOK AFTER YOUR ASSET, OTHERWISE IT CAN’T OFFER YOU THE SCOPE TO ITSELF.