it's a natural stopping point, like pulling into a service station after 4 hours;- thank god'
even in my shorthand, the amount of exit and entrance slip roads, never have I known quite so many owlsfarting as that. This crow is feeling quite wearied, rather hard to get started but fine once going... heaven's we've stopped at last. Wish they did sandwiches in triangular packs like back in the UK here. It's all energy drinks and exotic Belgian shapes of confectionary ere, or their own takes on murray mints. Music's playing on the forecourt tannoy;- best of 84 I reckon, heaven 17 that sort of thing ...
dance into the fire, and all we need;- is a view to a kill, dur dur dur -
bit of a pause, dum di dum di dumdi, at scritti politti, ooh ohh do do do'Princes Street I think, early October;- showing my age'