You're very nice christian folk, but you're only good for 98% capacity, then I'm cliqued out without a chance 'as it's not natural'. Just find that last 2% though, I might think about it'
Well, I wanted to imagine chatting to my mum;- characterisation, suddenly laptop stopped dead, I was lucky to get out alive and it still ain't doing much. But it ain't broken, it's fine;- it's just physic's disallowed, it will resume to normal in due course. Might be the King's Cross fire, she was only just ahead of before it happened back then. But let me put it this way;- I'm not willing to accept reunification with my parent's on the basis of sheer horror and it all have been solely my fault utterly. Nor am I willing to be mock concerned about via Peterborough as if I'm entrapped for my entire life never ever allowed to know Scotland effectually due my eldest niece always whalloping in with maris. Well it has been 22 years since I left uni, I'm not fooled by easy sticking plaster foolery mr Royce King, and it is written you cripple Rosalie in the gutter. I seen otherwise yet mr Snowdon, of snow I'd better a red wine and watch the hunger games so you're not angry and much bigger than me in principle. four years of pumping;- ain't easy for me exactly to respect religion or you actually, I appreciate I'm very convenient idea for many people in order to initiate leverage.
Anyway, how are you today Mr Coyote;- is it a metal industry in the period table, yeah fuck you. I'm not happy 'with you' actually.
well last track on Actually by The Pet Shop Boys, seeing as I was right in the very first place. You can be very deeply cruel, and keep forgetting I have fucking human rights in the first place.
and il I see any hope of changes on those scores everybody;- I'm not thinking differently of the world than I already do.
now please just fuck off and stop using me as your stock fucking most handy scapegoat. As in reality I hate you that deeply.It needed saying, deal with it.