Got there in the end then eh'
I one step removed hold my mind separately still, even when the observed thoughts are of utter fucking fury and pulp fiction vengeance. It's a bit criminal profiling to be honest, and you only see the worst complicitness of everybody. But in the end last night the logic was expecting me to flawlessly love as a best friend the generalised concept of those I utterly beyond hate and would only want dead.
oh I've known worse "just a flesh wound, ni".and then I went to bed;- as remember I had held my mind separate throughout. I'd found my conclusion and simply adjusted into my like I give a fuck mode, erm;- better sleep on it. so to this morning;- well that could still be Lenham as Longyearbyen actually. So I nailed it quick to lever the psychology of it back in. Still those one step removed thoughts of utter fucking rage in passing observance though. A bit inception to be honest, they're just projections, nothing more;- as long as I don't shoot them in real life eh'
Nah, the sun was just rising;- it was all gently pink hued in the clouds over the fields. check, yep that's aesetically pleasing I suppose. Do the over and round the chalk cross on the hill. Well it's technically better in intent now I figure;- I still don't feel much connection to them though, but scientifically it's looking like it should do I suppose now.Would be nice to go to Longyearbyen yeah;- gotta escape mrs coulter's golden monkey first though eh, get to the gyptian's you're in. Oh for fuck's sake, they're at war with Christianity. Go relocate to mars and be mark whatney;- far more preferable than endlessly reasoning with that of an utter incapability or willingness to ever see any "their perfect diddy duddikin's beautiful boy".
and believe it or not now I can at least work with that, as unlikely as it may seem.
ground control to major tom -check ignition and may god's, speed, be, with, youuuu -
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur;- dur dur dur dur dur dur'