i went to rochester the other day;- and life has been nothing but ten times worse since. Still en mappe but oooph... tht was tough.
Well it was going fine until the Titanic hit the iceberg, I could tell the story in full if you want;- but they have a very bad habit lucy, of as policy always reopening every single wound already closed. Over a period of years a person does lean in the direction of not particularly liking them, to put it mildly.
Relatively no money or belonging's left in the narrative though. God knows what I'm gonna do at Ellis Island, be muggle worthy at least I suppose. Go to the bank as the distorted and twisted, not to mention utterly blind and bullying official line swallowed my card;- it could be you. Well anything that can't see or is totally ever utterly unwilling to see reason is by very definition not any longer in possession of real authority, nor real or to be taken seriously in the very first place.
But it's all about the control, the control, the control, of others the control the control of others others others with you innit;- I'd say Mr Smith's insane and completely certifiable currently. FREAK;- though at least teacher's still keeping an eye in the forbidden city Mr Ken Watanabe cookery book'oooh I can hear the best theme soundtrack ever on the approach.