Money money money money, murney;- gotta have it’

Nah as a serious question that's crossed my thinking for a while;- what the fuck is money actually in the first place. You’re not allowed to ask that question, we’re going to distract you on cue;- it’s ours it’s ours. Greed, though you wouldn’t think it as it doesn’t seem it.

Mineral’s of the earth of royalty spelt backwards;- now you’ve just got the little snag of starting up a full mining industry from scratch. The question itself betrays thinking about in the first place;- is it the significators on the bits of currency, the art on the tails, or the bully oppression of the heads.

Doesn’t add up though does it, don’t waste your time. Nah seriously that’s something I learnt from as far back as 2003, pay yourself first;- even if it would seem deeply irresponsible. Then at the very least you’re not a fucking slave to it. Well if you’re doing everything right, and it’s still somewhat lacking;- then that ain’t your fault is it, but the other way around.

So get your own basic bloody foundations in;- even if they are disapproved of ones and you’d run out sooner. Either life will think forth dimensionally and hold that area in time;- or you’ll be forced to ask better even more useful questions soon enough.

Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m a pauper or a many zero’s anairre;- well a side, b side ‘could be either'. It’s like I said a few months back;- so how exactly do I spend this roof of a train station. Well it’s made of glass to begin with, which in turn is sand, yeah yeah yeah;- but the real point is tracking skills from the smallest of clues maybe. It ain’t litter, it’s a fucking useful tip off. I mean don’t make it your reason d’etre in itself, but just think a little more oh yeah;- if it’s appropriate to in passing, okay.

A relaxed mind is a far more fucking useful one

than one being uselessly pressured to high hell.