the present day is never afforded the simple courtesy of being the present day 'in spirit anymore'
it's always some juncture or psychology from the past, of everything already;- never really moving forward or being future looking. Many believe it's still 2012, and nowadays that realistically can only be called on Lanzarote. To the believers of 2013, ever just get that feeling it's got a bit true grit of late. 2014;- well I personally can only nuke it or pretend to be on an entirely different planet. But earthbound for that year is just an utter write off. 15;- admittedly scandanavia get's in, but you're not really in the mood and doze most of it away.
16 awesome, holy fuck life's cheering up for 11 months, thought the day would never ever come;- until December, we hadn't realised get back in yer box. Thing is you've regained your strength and so when the royal 17 arrives the year is definable as on the fringes of boot camp. 18;- invent a pause button, 19;- don't get too angry like and with NIN.
20;- really, life's gonna improve and get better now is it. Well I'm sorry, but I no longer trust or believe you whatsoever. Well ever since San Francisco became earth's capital city. Just keep's assimilating the masses with shitty bullying little theme days, leaving a worldwide hypnossed fuck all to ever really work with going about town. Today we are celebrating the 127th birthday of an Africa Indian Nazi Bollywood star German doctor who invented bacteria and how to discover them on little microscopic cotton socks for fascism'LIKE I SAID 'I CUT UP AND DESTROYED MY SIM IN THE END'
Mind you, at least that's still a star trek movie;- I yearn for the return of 2016, I really do'