As a person can still follow the nose of what they're up against'
I don't need to name name's of course, but in my case it's long term quiet abuse of authority. What's difficult about it is not that any one given example of is any longer too difficult to proxy beat etc, and I can mean that;- to say I've developed observation skills over the years;- but what happens is that it leaves no one to impress, or at least that would ever be solvently impressed anyway.
Yes you hold the fort instead, but trust me;- a person can get fucking sick of it only ever being that as well. It's a life of waiting for everything to just about enough catch up in the very first place. You start doing a leisure, oh that's that, which is that, they've borrowed from there, which is that. Who the fuck am I actually trying to please then? A society that is very rarely ever grateful anyway.
I'm tired, I just wanna chill until there's the slightest damn point again. Not as a motive that's lazy, even though it is lazy;- but thinking like fishermen I've gotta wait for any, that can be caught that take the bait first.
I can't pretend I've caught a fish, when I ain't yet.