@ It is because not a single person on earth whether knowingly or 'otherwise' isn't working for the Japan olympic's and sport. No self interest independent of that in expression is being allowed ere.
and it is 'FACT' rather why they were nuked originally, for squeezing the lifeforce out of the rest of the world. Anyway, thus the increase in societal conflicted sentiments all about whenever yer tap in to where those news stories are told. A person isn't being allowed to aim for anything other than that in their lives, even if they're not interested in the subject area or sport at all;- anymore ever currently.
America might have a thing to say about that still though. Yer never know;- worth a try.
so yeah that's why politic's is being all the end of Lawrence of Arabia, and turning us all into complete fools against each other. Is not the Emperor ever just going to say yes to a last samurai at all.you're forgetting I was a fisherman's bastian in may 2011 as well yer know;- final piece of the jigsaw missing still'
at least rio knew how to let a person watch Dave and just fucking chill;- as a society you're that too fucking uptight. Oh ang on;- that's Kodo Drummer's in.