It's called having parent's that have become effectually younger than you'
It's called being given such a hard time over x things in the past, then they going on to be somewhat worse themselves. A fall in London, compassionately and caring, kindly making sure you got back okay. Thrown back in my face, it was nothing as if I never did. You ungrateful little cow. So that's it etc etc;- you tread all over my toes per se, then kick up quite some fuss when I do it to you just the once. Disdain;- you're not invited anyway, for standing up to us over the years for having done far worse ourselves. Ooooh, you're like immature teenagers, I've got a drawer with a thick pile of postcards. I take one trip, it's so unfair, not fair. Hate you'
Nah, the depth of hypocrisy of pot calling kettle black got too intolerable and ungrateful. A sister who hasn't visited for 26 years and always expects me to go to her's like a good little girl, oh by way;- we've sent your nieces now to tread all over your pre existing last surviving toes. I saw you all for what you all really were like and had become, that's the problem;- and I was no longer stupid enough to not see that's what was happening.
Right, but that is how grown up parent's who have become your children are like;- so how do I bring them up correctly, so they've got the best future and good foundations for their very old age then. Start seeing through their eyes in parallel, but NOT LITERALLY. What they facing? Rather some offsetting, again thrown straight back in my face;- always very dangerously ungrateful whenever I get too close. So there's no point me bothering if reaching out is forever gonna be like that now, but that's no reflection of love;- that's hating someone, and what other conclusion's am I supposed to ever reach that being so'Well solve it yourselves then, but don't come crying to me when it's something that's become beyond yer, and you're not sure how to anymore. Because as it stands I'd put you both up for bloody adoption. As the message is permanently never ever getting through.