miiiiiiis, miiiiiiiiis, miiiiiiiis;- as we are not "being allowed" to be @ nuisance uncontrollable anti social very bullying prole stink verminous utter scum anymore. It's not fair miiiiis;- we'd never be like that on normal presented best behavour in front of you.
and for the record, that's called being paid to say so Alison;- with a dash of incredible veiled prejudice I would imagine. Did you undergo a full conscience removal on joining employment or something. Anyway;- I would like to remind you that it sends a person into a fit of sheer abject lack of light and not wanting to live anymore for a brief time. That other's are so cold hearted and lacking spirit, and all meaningness or ethics or any displayable human qualities at such times are utterly absent from people anymore.
I would also like to remind you that such would be considered a gross fundamental breach of your human right's legislation somehow in a way that you would very much miss personally. I'll scratch yer eyes out yer bitch, this is only a school yard mentality in reality, and you know it is I'm afraid.
hiiiiiiiis, hiiiiiis, meeeeoooooooooowwwwwww, CLAWS!!!!!! yeaaaaaooowllll, arched back'