Oh I dunno, but it’s rather coming across as a big civic authority meeting by proxy'
Some have been complaining of others being antagonistic;- the problem of tropical bikes having a drink spiking effect. Anyway we have policy’s against that here, chill;- ;- right okay, hard to concentrate, stern faces mysterious places, gary jules is in. Too much babble on the psychic network, shut up. Right concentrate;- street cleaner goes by... did you get that? Yes it was a street cleaner. Anyway so I make it to Costa Coffee, do the very civil and very nice and according thing, and head to the library. Oh right, open's at ten on Monday's still;- how am I gonna kill an hour then. Well, they say what right do I have to come straight in like Bradley Cooper on NZT when normally it takes 40 years, good question, erm.
Well brexit for real now, done;- but I held that evening 'in mind of formerly on October 31st' still on an well I'll believe that when I fucking see it, even now. But nope it happened for real. And then the world started falling apart, as people are forgetting that whilst we are no longer in the EU, the EU does actually still fucking exist you know. JOIN THE EU ;-)
Leave that to the experts in the field eh, at the end of the day that's plate techtonics.Okay the keeping up with the jones now have a few things to say, so let's offer them their ten minutes david from King's Lynn probably.
well I think after having a sneaky smoke round the back that we as a country need to walk past the health and fitness club, not forgetting the beauty of the swan's, and the beauty of the swans in downtime preening themselves to whatman park. Crickey they are making progress;- various very notable salient points. Did you get that in the minutes;- yep, easy. But here's the issues, what's the damn point of going beyond four months ago in things, if there ain't means to see any of the new, I mean really really bang up to date potential images if whatever it is in the blind spot of the library can't fucking discern the physics to recognise the camera to upload. You'll just have to put up with the bloody older long established images won't yer, rather than any new stuff.
Could I please just interject here says a put out, vaguely rather tired and sick of it old school masoner on the radio;- look it's a rhino at folly park in north wales. Of course no one appreciates the idea to begin with, as it's in a dour slightly threatening or else tone;- but thinking about it, a part of me reckon's he's on the right track yer know. Well heading east Farleigh way near that end of upper fant lane, yeah yeah Gillingham;- but that's way to full on and heavy a context allowing for 2014. You'd have to say near the little mermaid in Copenhagen, it's along the same lines ;-). Or even the folley in mote park, Romney and yeah yeah, it's a bit heavy duty though. Such things need handling with tentative care yer know, especially the first few times around.any other business anyone?
erm;- well I'm not going in fucking blind yer know mum, I need an honest idea of how it would be. Would it be the sternmost cold comfort talks, warm thank god, picking up like it never happened. But I am not going in fucking blind, okay. I need some signs to bloody go on eh.noted, yeah sorry about that;- she can be a bit. Oh yeah;- one more addendum item;- money came through, so no immediate panic, but I was having some breakfast sandwiches in town, by myself to one side, out the way on a sunday morning, to my fucking self. And civic man mop cleaning sweep literally gravitates directly to me, that overtly, sweep sweep sweep in my face like a pigeon. Nah;- fuck your put outedness, that is deep emotional blackmail, and not having the slightest ounce of recognition for a person's very reasonable need for just some fucking personal space.
are we done now everybody? yeah think so;- okay then thankyou for attending everyone, you go write it up, I'm outta here. Oh ps;- there's a finger buffet to the side if you fancy socialising about nothing over um'gotche, Harraser'