teamwork eh'
Well obviously I'd be sidelined, get the drinks. Oh right, you're just in the tragic war film for the Oscar. Playing a nun nowadays involves chainsaws;- they too need to offset inner fury safely, somehow. Laylandai's, no point running 'at least from the idea of' mr landlord might in the first place, that would only devil's snare you. Earplug's anyway;- you still hear em, but it becomes muffled at hardly full volume.
All the root's per se showing, but would be a rose left behind by the Templar's;- is that coffee okay for yer. Yeah, any biscuits, well there's Jaffa cakes and bourbon's. No we want the creamy Maryland's.
"it's very clear our love is here to stay" dur dur dur dur.... oh we're up to customer service now. Staying calm and placating someone very irate, nice smile.It's called being totally unrealistic about what humanity really is like sometimes, but you handled that really well. Goody paycheck, lease car, tax, shopping and socialising, bills and rent. So how else could you be getting those longhaul's in. I still do the math's yer know. at the end of the day though, it begs the question why the fuck would you ever wanna please em. Look at their attitudes and what they're like in truth despite their pert perfectness. Cause I'm having, a good time tonight, dirty bit...