An hour to leaving;- nothing clear but the blogging habit grounds and reassures me, so what thoughts are coming.
My mum had her fall after we'd lunched in late 2016 in Whitechapel, at the tower of London. Maybe she's since feared her head on an executioner's block then and that's what's in the way. Meanwhile I've since been balancing the evening light atop the shard. What things to be preventing a reunion. At least Edinburgh's now offered scope to write about it.
My neighbours are Islamic, from one of those warred parts of the world, shall we say;- nice lads that drive taxis and enjoy football somewhere local. As this is the thing, I know;- but a person is allowed to at least have "heard" of key aspects, to put it very tactfully. I'm not going into detail, but you know what they are, damn those turks. And again please do leave that for the African front and Interpol. A person would not even hope for such by proxy.If anything watching this film it's about how possessing that much influence can unhinge a person. Over it's course he's always making sense, but becoming increasingly wild eyed.
I WOULD LIKE TO INTERJECT QUICKLY,I'm not gonna have time to spellcheck or proof read this one, it's 3 pages long to me and there's only an hour;- my apologies for any givens. Anyway, cutting to the chase after having been on such a personal journey you return home. Unlike what many think it's not really then an it doesn't exist here. Life presents local area echoes of what you've live and been through. So careful you motocyclists;- there may be innocents on pushbikes going the wrong way up the road after the next corner.
The life I've lived to date has hardly been of that degree, if anything my occasional superpowers shall we say have all been inadvertent happenings across, but nethertheless once you realise it kind of commits you, as inadvertent or not, you were there are noticed. so you too Draco, as honourable as your intentions were, will serve detention with your classmates. Well I just think in mind of what the subject area 'can' infer it makes obligatory you have no choice sense but to lighten the mood katniss.
Fast forward to district 13;- is Glasgow nice then? Probably a bit like perceptions of Newcastle before you've been the first time. you think it's going to be as rough as fuck, but it actually turns out very cultured. Okay erm, that's talking 2010 if anything, if you'll forgive my frames of reference, it's the big mistake newbies / new born vampires make. Going after the big power houses and kudos from such associativeness. Poweeeeer!!!!!!! We want the big royals bulks, give us an important palace on a holiday to show off about and then we can just do exactly whatever we want to do. But then of course that too rebounds in local adjustmenting. Such things have their inferred prices to pay.Which is why I nowadays at least strive to hold back and apply modest understatedness. It's not always possible, but I do try. which is why I haven't rushed off yet for folly park, Cardiff, Bristol, Stockholm and any number of places that are very possible on a smallish benefits budget like I used to. If I'm going to play a bigger card, in mind of experience I'd rather it be the wisest one allowing for it's after rebounding locally as well don't yer reckon. A dog is for life, not just for christmas'
But there is a danger of becoming too comfortable, in the knowledge you could fend off all those things if needed anyway. Makes you think well I don't have to do I, nice leisures, happy leisures;- mafia on the cliffside at the start of the Italian Job leisures, pretty cars'
then ten years have got behind you, you missed the starting gun.bit of a catch 22 then eh;- but somehow a line does still need drawing.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------otherwise I'll be blogging daily at the library for free for the rest of my life until retirement. Fair enough for now;- but it can't be a permanent choice, okay, start gently weening me off it please, thankyou. And that is how it will have to be done;- as you know by now, just how much I can resist and hold off.
------------------------------------fingers crossed that doesn't offend;- they're just sheep on Wye downs, but I do need second sight personally.