I'm sure many of you are rather fascinated, but I would like to clear up a few misperceptions'
first of all I ain't just come out. It's two decade year old news to me, I don't go to prides, I don't sing the power of love along at concerts or hug lot's of you've got a friends. If a rainbow must exist I prefer a real one of science in nature;- far more versatile ideology.
Secondly it having been that time it's not at all really all about I'm a lady unto myself. Subtle dressed down casual more like, trainers better for walking in. It ain't my reason for life in itself;- no more than you go about thinking I'm a real woman or man since birth on repeat, I make babies and pleasure or hunter gatherer stereotypes.
I see a world out there and I relate to it.and if you're still determined it must be your most convenient lowest common denominator for life, may I please point out it ain't actually. The quantum particles every last one of us are made out of, are actually.
What yer gonna do, escape THAT fact anymore than I can myself'Damn she's good'
Can't elp it;-
do you not think I've learnt to compensate for that particular perceived shortfall 'by now'