@ I thought it could 'beautifully' suggest bereavement pyres by the ganges;- but apparently that idea would not be practical. Careful of the thames whale & a "marichoness"
Trip switches, 3 way ties, deepest Africa, airplane crashes, please let me survive fingers crossing, arr mossweed is in. Boxing matches, it was that hot a fixture;- NZT in water droplet's on branches. Oh and get down this slope without going arse over tit then. Fucking beautiful though, the amount of meaning a woodland can safely hold and offset. New growth and budding, aragog the spider's lair;- chatrooms, a discarded phone so oh you're right, that's a memory from Inverness. To be honest I think you're getting a bit carried away with the whole idea actually'
I can say so as I'm just a small not famous or in the way blogger;- but certain world ideas going about need naming 'at least unto and for myself now'. Well furking hell china;- the snow queen by hans Christian Anderson, a sun's corona and made of's. It's like having an irrational fear of twilight eclipse. Yeah yeah, the water ration, so geisha's are on top form ready. Ever heard of midway island, fuck yer;- I live in the UK under it's "cough, laws"... not under the fucking cultural revolution of the sixties. And so the path divides, insane gossip to the left, miss clique out to the right, whrr whrr this is all very to be frowned upon. Not necessarily;- Holly in a wood, durr, oj simpson and Rodney King in the 90's.
She's saying too much, wah wah wah, WAH, wah wah wah....Oh to hell with yer, I'm outta here. Well it's a less than I already know, so I already know it can be done, already. Muggles, brexit in a flipped in time see swawed hinged type way outward from it being achieved, any excuse;- hastings 'maybe'... skin of teeth, well it's because you're different to the rest of us so we single you out.
I'd say speak for yourself will yer;- you're the burnt out restaurant barge, not me'