left 13.10 pm... yeah 5 hours out of'


if you look at a round curvature map of that flight

path part of the world, it's a somewhat more northern

route than you'd imagine. Five hours from london city,

to be perfectly honest with you, we're trending 

moscow and novgorod, not the middle east.

for me though that is still a bit of a risky part

of the world though;- I fairly regularly on 

occasion proxy past that way actually, but it requires

certainly rather very wise precautions. The reality in

russia for a person like me is kind of two choices

only. A bitter and rather mocked life barely in the

gutter, or paradoxiclly a billionaire eurovision's

wife that they're willingly cornilly ironically.

So I tend, when it comes to russia to default

logic to, i spose you'd call it an Atomic Blonde's

generalisation of germany kind of. David Bowie step's

in for Berlin;- nothing else could happen, cause 

they're absolute beginners, and so on and so forth.

What I'm saying is it's honestly a mutual enough

resonance. Cue blue monday up it is then.

Sometimes it's too much to expect of around me, to

know some of the level's I can stretch to;- but

by the same token, I can't how would I put it;

be driving at 40 mph in the middle lane, okay.

Yeah, i mean holy fuck don't go too deep;- but

a person's allowed a smirnoff cola instead eh.