This may be a totally foreign concept to you Japan;- but in the UK, if a boss and colleagues are being like that, a person is perfectly entitled to walk out of a job on the spot. Okay'
think about it, it creates a situation
of literally no reason left to ever
hang about with them any longer.
just why on earth would a
person ever stay amongst such
people and conditions, okay, yeah'
too right, it creates other issues
in turn;- but i'll tell yer this.
You're already in a much better
position to begin with
for the choice, if me.
well for a start you've got out
before two planes have hit, okay.
you may wish to employ your parachute
though, apparently we're leaving that way.
yeah yeah;- i'm but the one who's made it to
an empire magazine now;- get lost ;-)
would never have been achieved otherwise.