we all know it at varying levels;- old realities sometimes fall away, on account of them having become utterly impossible. Yes 'that given huge' But maybe making by that GOOD would effectually murder someone, due to the arena's they'd must. Yer with me'
we can't still be in nursery school, junior's,
secondary, uni, 1997, that much past relative
never having worked for us, forever.
You can claim, as yes we do die at the end of
our lives, goes for me too 'no rush'... but ooh,
it's a that BIG threat in old money, but for fuck's
sake, I can't feasibly return to nursery school, yeah.
I spose you're just gonna have to 'do it'
but for the record that would
compartively be outside of
every last human right.
Bring on the gas check...
oh we're going to lerwick next;-
know in buddhism they're
people as well, nos 29
is back, hurrah...
very 'deep' improbable BALANCE'