because of the burnt barge by archbishop's palace actually you retailer's being the same.
how the fuck would I personally know, but
it's not me to be asking, it's them.
as I don't want to help after that i suppose;-
at least most certainly not in your first
literal way's amongst you all, christ.
it's fair to say that current universal
psychological time is currently pluto
though, at 6 light hours away, okay.
But we honestly have quite some life's
contradiction going about;- it's all rather
glossy potential's and politikin as usual yeah.
in the media;- but it most certainly ain't
when you walk out there and double
check the real realities.
So what's going on in science there;- what's
the reality of the contradiction. Why would
they be promoting that much all's fine
when it's the opposite out there.
Saving face;- but to what ever end now,
if it's never even close to reality yeah.
well if we can get the cinema open off her
back;- well I've died twice afresh now, so
yer might as well, even via those term's.
maybe you've blinged too much;- and for
it to work, it's need's toning down eh.