i know;- you're presenting bringing up the upcoming generation, presenting the realities;- but i ain't got kid's, i barely care for such;- i'm a rather lone wolf, but a very safe unharmful one. WHAT AM I LIVING FOR ?
yeah etc;- but it's to me all old new's
and their effectualism entrap's, what am
I living for. It ain't them, it's something
else. i mean fairplay;- but i'm that harmless
lone wolf that can if I wanted take you out
like that. What am i living for;- on
condition of deepy inwardly selling out
you've cut off so much now.
What am I 'living for'
would you like to see the full on
of some of my private sussing's.
you wouldn't be able to hack it.
dublin to longyearbyen, I've ad enough'
kreacher and rank and file inverness are
it;s all knowing and powerful; yeah, yer think...
shan't shan't shan't... quietly, but 'there'
not that which is only ever getting in
the way;- that much i can tell yer.
it's closed, it's cloeed!!! wah,
anything fucking open ever...