I'm sorry about that everyone; but those were the same forces that did that to me originally, expecting me to have never remembered the lesson's, or remember the sign's. Believing they could do that to me yet again a third time. Anyway;- where were we up to everybody.


it's why, and I repeat;- there's no reasoning

to be ever found, but a person need's enough

reconciliation somehow, and it comes down

to that one only fact which level's the 

stupid damn playing field. We all die

in the end;- I know, I seriously do

currently. But at least I've held it

to just a fucking blog eh this time.

consider it could have been so much

fucking worse eh. look's serious

dunnit;- but it's just a photo,

it's perfectly normal for the

sun to be in the sky, and in

reality it's 93 million mile's

away, or is that 83. Anyway, what

I am not Japan, is the pilot of the

Enola Gay, and you should be blaming

someone who isn't; for that fucking much'

no wonder they nuked yer;- 

but I didn't personally'