imminently landing, then it's an airstrip near hasting's;- as it's a build that not about to not be a build eh.
no, you're out, folded on the spot
for still even never conceeding
any truth at all, even now + 3
as i'm exceptional with wolf
daemon's if nothing else.
maybe the first literality would be
too much, but i can still see you.
are you an umbrella in the 70's;
trying to prove you're normal.
then maybe that's air's
alone in kyoto eh.
i fully appreciate 24 year's have passed
since, but do you not think the parallel's
still going; they are muggle's compared to
a comparitive wizarding world, somehow eh.
the correlation hasn't suddenly stopped
being so eh;- it's more akin to it's
frame's of reference have changed.
my mother keeps quoting zoom, yer know
azuma, the entire high speed train
franchise at me. You on tinder'
maybe there's just too much
fucking grunning's going
about eh;- and a person
need's a fresh updated
counter equivalency's.
Expelliarmous ;/---- ---
as they are never fucking going to,
fucking ever;- trust me, it's
been 24 year's since uni.
wah wah wah wah;- we're royal,
wah wah, we must alway's be higher,
wah wah wah wah wah;- alarmist tendency!!!
I've never seen diamond's in the flesh....
we could be royal's, i could be queen be.
let me be your fantasy ;-)
in a movie'
well it's not as if the new build is
going away;- so you might as well
the the updated low down eh.
seeing as it's not going away.
it's all about TIM, sri lanka,
and labelling eh;- maybe you
deserve a punch and kick
for being so quick eh.
it's been a long time since for me;-
but don't you remember how the first
third goes on the first day of a month.
well maybe i remember them seeming distant
and not that relevant yer know;- and maybe
a person would like reasonable now and
back then gearing for a family box
of photo's. Yes, to say insight's;-
but maybe i still need to be in
current reality, gearing!!!!
well maybe just possibly a quiet
but civil war is not preferable.