It is called weak fucking limp 'mindedness' and I'm allowed to utterly hate you for it;- than be led further many wrong way's.


Jab's will be offerred to all, this condition, this way;-

everybody is in a mask, and in today's new's a new

pandemic, jab's will be offered to this condition,

this condition, and never progression on from.

we have made no progress, since;- and never will,

this condition, jab's will be offered to all, and

we are all in mask's, this way, and that way...

and a little bit of jessica in my life,

a little bit of rita in my life.

mambo number five, a little bit

of rita in my life, a little

bit of jessica in my life.

that's all anyone's ever

willing to ever be anymore.

yes I'd say charlie hebdo; erm...

and in today's new's please note we're

all conformist mask wearing, example

setting, a new pandemic;- jab's for

all, a little bit of rita in my life.

maybe the joker's blown 

a fucking hospital up.

as the human race is only now ever

being and led as per a fucking disgrace.

no I'm ashamed of being any of you, disgraces'

being my label with 1 in 14,000 peripheral

vision, isn't alway's a bain yer know, oh right;- erm'