it is tempting to kick in with a james bond soundtrack gear'


but it's just the fact, well by

definition I'm not doing so currently.

well gran canaria, has just acknowledged, via swisse'

i believe the term is 'plaudit's, actually.

they may be in wolf form, in floor spread object's;-

but I've presidential authority passing by.

just simply leave a person alone to

get their way's right, eh.


stormcloud is beeping for chowlong'

it's very tempting, and it may or may not be later;-

like a so there, that last one can still be 

beaten blogpost later, who know's.

but that must not be the motive 

to blog in itself. It must as ever be;-

as normal, right 'update'... just like normal.

but NOT, a so there'

well let's rather not be forgetting FW de clerk's

in this equation rather as well please vicky ;-)

yes M, okaay'