Love your mother @ mafioso.


As you are not china in 08;-

there's a single separation now,

but holy fuck, bringing it too close!!!

gellert hill wine bar restuarant.

served wine and tobacco at 3.45am;-

fuck all of yer, planet wide...

left wichita falls, 10.44am'

now 19 hours later, possibly;- let me check.

real, and experienced vampires, me too.

but a person doesn't only ever go about

stating, I'm a vampire, I'm a vampire.

no more than human does,

I'm a human, I'm a human'

right let me check the map'

yes we're there;- and they knew

straight out competantly what

a person really need's.

very cool ministry of 

sound modern lounge

bar jazz at 5.30am.

buenos Aries, budapest, 

Cork ireland;- just trust me on this.

we've both been through yet another storm

and I've got even richard parker's 

exhausted shattered head on

my lap, if anything.

stuck in the middle with you'

no, honestly;- just utterly fuking kill it'