we are behind our desk's;- we love middle england beaurocrating, we are mass, and above us only sky, you may say we're dreamer's...


and the world will be as assimilated'

welcome to paris, erm;- not sure, let's

rig up a train journey to brussel's

at the very least eh, yeah'

It's the first new's story i ever

remember, as a kid myself.

John lennon's death.

i know, i do;- but if you're never going

to realise that doesn't seem innately

human to 'some'. i know;- but are

every last one of you trying to

infer you're qualified surgeon's.

you know a person can get

sick of that depth of

technical inaccuracy.

what YOU operate on me;- "run"...

i know it seem's too far, but please note

it isn't really, easy enough;- but maybe

your name wasn't down, and you were

even mooting the revenant 'wised'

i repeat, pick on someone your 

own fucking size, full royalty.