Yeah I know;- but you must must keep going.


as I know i can;- by defintion of

the limit's of their abilities.

new floorspread round, they've all

left the building now, but i'm a

bit shaken, okay;- but shaken.

that's now down to just ink on paper

and seas and ocean's again;- I'm sure

my by grace has got it all anyway, but...

here's my point;- a person can't do right

by other's, if they can't first do right

by themselves, for themselves;- and to

think clearly for yourselves and others -

as a plain truth, you need every last

person to fuck off first;- know thyself

then maybe I'll stand a chance of ever

knowing other's as they should be, okay.

has no one ever heard of the 

word 'way too convaluted'!!!


I'm not being horrible, I'm being effectual;-

can't help if I can't even help myself first.

you say selfish;- but maybe disciple's

are fishing for em once, yeah; goodness.

be sell fish'

something's in life are bad, they can really

make you mad;- I'm brian, no I'm brian, bugger's.