As I already know, obviously;- the JK Rowling archetypes, and that whatever they're called now, muggle's wouldn't be knowing 'this much'


the denali coven, yeah, ancourage;- after 

the falkland's. left 4.20pm, 

yesterday afternoon.

new's paper stories on rotation eh;-

the queen's aunt marge again nation'

it's called never fucking meaning it.

about 13 hour's later.


vulcan death grip,

yes we're there, the falkland's;-

but let's not be hanging about, as

these are brute's to me, if 

I hang about too long.

but for a while in 2017,

they weren't and i did the

dockyard right yer know, actually.

the air's are reckoning back to 

alaska;- but this time Ancourage.

we'll rather be trending up the west coast

of those two continent's and some island's.

Obviously i'll need to crash / nap when it

get's to south central america.

well because I'm not really a

new born personally, it's been

a while for me personally.

well maybe Tesco could relatively

be levered in. Well a first timer

is allowed to get away with these

level's just once;- but we'd not

be daring to, a second time or Christ!!!