Because I'm NOT being allowed to mourn you properly with respect, for better or worse locally;- i'll explain...


as locally is compliance 

"psychotic" currently.

could i wipe my own arse please'


oooh, dunno;- might require 

4 year's of pumping maybe.


well there yer go;- maybe i need

to be putting self preservation

first eh. i know homo habilis

ain't really this 'good'...

the slightest first expression of

a bit more freedom;- oh my fucking

good grief, so honestly yes;- they'd

be looking at so. They're insane &

they honestly would fucking

warrant such, okay.

i'm trying to be respectful here;-

and you are shitting all over

even fucking that. in effect

you are lobotomised 

non existency.

would you like me to continue with

even 'less' forgiving defences;-

you stinking fucking proles.

i am NOT one of you;- I 

would be deeply ashamed.