Because the stag was literally only ever rutting and conflicting; is why.


and so I figured it wiser to not

find myself in deep trouble, okay'

but it's not as if it wasn't

so. It's just sometimes you

have to realise thing's like

that. And when it come's to

the gibson's jigsaw's I was

finding I was not being 

allowed then either.

Jealousy of other's can be so

destructive;- especially in mind of

the paradox other's are jealous of my

having to endure their jealousies. Ain't

even riches anyway, just social housing,

a good view;- and a same priced as you;

rather eye for decor. And for the 

record it's rendering life 

totalitarian this end. 

I wish you'd do something about it;-

it make's it hard to 'feel'

empathy for your loss.

nb, we've gone sapporo, honolulu;-

and are about to leave for

northernmost greenland.

nb;- they've just tried on stephen hawking in passing'

Are you sure the UK is first literally

now a Nazi / Fascist State please,