Breathe, breathe in the air;- don't be afraid to care...


on the way to lake bonneville

now, get those speed's up

and legal prostitution.

then mary magdalene's in;-

I know religion, but don't you think

that's honestly how it goes at first.

I'll hobble up then;- thank's for 

the passing sympathies and

empathy's, but I'm Not

actually 'in hospital'

I mean how's the logic of that running

nowaday's;- if by inferral a person 

never ever leave's a 

hospital by context.

try tunnelling out from inside'

not that I'm in any sense desiring;- 

kind of married to myself to be

honestly;- but I'm actually

straight and don't you think

it's a bit fucking offensive

to keep being called 'your 

wrong actual sexuality'