give it an hour, we're there;- and thankyou for your candour.


various dark thought's you might say;- i'll live.

I doubt it's possible to be rational whilst

via their eye's or brainset anyway, until

past Thurso. Sorry, I meant lack

of recognisable brainset.

well maybe I'd rather not in real life;-

storm those south african train's 

and get 27 year life sentence.

Well;- is a person not allowed

to hate, that which is hateful

to themselves. i must deeply 

love what's very hateful.

It's called placing MY wand

at point blank range to vernon's

fucking throat if anything, bastard.

a person like that, shouldn't be

working in a caring environment.

No, I will never forgive 

you; not fucking ever.

For doing 

that to people.

and dear 29;- stop rushing to

save my poor little cotton sock's.