Nothing they can do;- I've still held onto knowledge of given fact's intellectually.


but to say mass obeying 

society's beyond all help.

can we keep striving to coerce you back

into what gave you two breakdown's.

no you just fucking can't, simple as'

anywhere, where's this going;-

we're at Bonneville now.

well I can sometimes just still, just

afford back then 'that way'. And it

saves long fierce intellectual

masterbation to comply in my

own house style, just to be

the other fucking side of 

them to get on with better

thing's still, rather than 

spend 6 month's debating all

those horrid useless question's.

You've got my name, my address,

my date of birth;- a few low staked

normal responses, everything's covered

to say the fucking least, even though it

is in my own house style. You'll see...

the style's immature, but what it's / I'm saying

is anything fucking but, when yer think about it.

You'll see, they're more helpful answer's than you

were hoping for in reality. But respect is earnt,

not forced 'in return' and you never lose 

'the attitude'. Anyway;- swot up on 

Nevada, they'll let yer know

where next everybody, in time.

Meanwhile I'll continue cd collectioning by,

and with Inception, currently. You're right,

I may be wrong, but I still reckon Japan is 

more likely to pull out, and that's not a

low tide I'd want to be stuck behind. Get

to the other side of those film's in time.

for fuck's sake;- or you won't have the logic

at the time to survive that much rug pulled

out from yer, is my bloody point;- okay.

Well everything about em is pink and 

purple fucking nowaday's innit, spell

bind em, spell bind em;- yeah but I'm

better at it. At when the dove's cry...

because the deception in the written

in motive's were obvious to me, okay.

yer know, just sometime's a person 

does not want to make that many

mistakes they've made in the

past;- rather they want to

remember the fucking lesson's,

they learnt from them eh;- still.

well maybe you're deeply insulting

my fucking intelligence, sick of yer.

But what's to know Nevada, come on eh'