Well maybe just possibly sharia law was being applied to me in the UK;- and it was the appropriate way of expression, yeah. I mean just the common courtesy of existant human right's japan!!!


all this grafitti about tovil, it is woke

crew as per an unforgivable curse perhap's.

it's got nothing to do with the royal death

this one;- it's an independent issue not

of insult 'to them'. But as per that

independent issue, we're currently

Galway to Sapporo, again. Well

know when independent forces

from the royal death are 

trying on the sheer 

bigoted piss QC.

I'm NOT yer scapegoat;

for every last advantage'

dear mr green pringles ;-)

easy to blame me 'personally' for 

a full tsunami, not to mention

a few island's south 

of okinawa eh.