yeah okay;- a long range modified 500 mph, seaplane could conceivably.
either my inner attitude need's
to change, or they do;-
but I'm not liking getting going
at first and being presented almost
straight away with, well;- maybe you
were toddler's once and I had the sofa
downstair's, 7am. What already;- I've
barely just got to an equivalencing
coffee and, well. Yes that's, you
looking forward to today then
seeing as it's christmas.
oooh, right, erm;- I concede
the scalisation over year's has
changed, and thankyou, noted. But
sometime's a person just need's
their own space first enough.
And only then I'll start
thinking about being social'
So what did you get in your stockimg!!!
Lake Bonneville to Hayle, Cornwall'
oh please just go away mr biden.
as maybe I'm not aiming to be
popular, maybe I'm aiming to
just get past in
the first place.
well you not ever considered social
housing might not be, a bit not
ideal for introvert's that
would prefer to just
be ever left alone!
i'll tap into being a social creature
when i need to and am ready to,
not ever the other way round.
you alright's in passing
are fine though, light enough'
couldn't check the gas flue; yes
and how exactly is that my
fault personally. It's
just thing's like that.
mother do you think they'll
drop the bomb, mother will
you build a wall....
look mummy there's an aeroplane
up in the sky, see the falling
bomb's, but the pain linger's on'