
Showing posts from May, 2021

It's everything I fucking know already with no new life options being afforded beyond that, okay.

But of course it's written that Starfleet always wins, Kirk Kirkwall, which is still behind where I was up to anyway I've just come from there! Oh fuck it, let's at least be thurso worthy still, and head out the other way.

But even after that much, I'll tell what I still even then get in return; we were holding back the flood by take that...

It's a conspiracy version of trivial pursuit.

It's called a health system holding my own family as collateral, unless I explicable do literally everything they tell me to, so far'

Well a person is starting to wonder if in reality their family is blagging, and aiming to push them away and screw over. In which case I'd be wise to continue walking away, not get back in contact,

Well I express condolence, you return the favour with a court threat. So with all due respect, legally enough, but how exactly does such make it possible to ever like you, and I quote spike Milligan, snivelling bastard.

Despite all progress over the years I'm never allowed past 98 percent committing. Something high up and controlling always smacks it back down with reasons to not commit. I'm sick of it, and I honestly don't particularly like you for doing that. It keep's smacking too much fucking worth back down, am I never allowed a hope in hell beyond the max of what I've since known and made it to.

Okay, that is now honestly staked reasonably as charlamagne at last, pick on someone your own bloody size will yer please mate'

I know, but there's nothing you can do without turning into Hitler, erm; better start leading an exodus out of Egypt then.

Okay, that's up to now.

It's called an offensive amount of solved keeping being grossly unsolved. But how clever do you honestly think you fucking are motively. Coming up on atrocity territory then, better prioritise making that safe. Well the first terminator when Sarah Conner was still a waitress.

As they will no potential ever for me, and therefore relative to me, they're ineffectual ism. I mean I am allowed to not like nor appreciate uselessness.

After the war of 1996, humanity rose from it's ashes, and fused with alien tech has never before seen such a peacetime....

No it's an aylesford pottery bowl.i don't need a car beep you prick.

Oh go away you self righteous of the reality of line gov bod. I've since know it's world population and sociological control due to Japan. Will they or won't they, if you're o1'ing that far, this late on a 5.

No, deepest safely and legally held hatred if you're only ever willing to plateau at such a person in yourself. As relative to me at least, you might as well be raping Kathy, wilmot Jones.

It's called tactical purchasing, and tactically siding wrongly on purpose everyone, gazump gazump gazump, munch munch munch, oh I'm still in a langolier world, erm'...

Oh it's just rank and file Inverness that I've done three or so times now. From this direction of travel though, find me a file pip, yours magwitch, yeah.

It's called how their duty of care is currently being in passing. Good dog, good boy, your's a rugged artic wolf you alsation islands of Dalmatia.

I know, but I could live in the wild remotes, and they'd still build a sawmill within earshot, might as well just stay ere.

Okay, that's proxy Gatwick now, we are next doing an imaginary train journey to Maidstone east.

As my basic right to privacy even at home, at the very least. Well, imagine the surrounds even always aiming to break those right to privacy, even at home, they're always trying to crack through.

To be honest they've put benenden healthcare on trail, when you think about it. What's the jury's verdict...

Dur dur dur, climbing up on solsbury hill...

And that's why I must remain on the b side, or I'd be doing thing's like that on the a side, dear BBC news. Confirmed, that's two websites available online now.

I honestly don't mind being in waking sleep, as long as it's present of mind enough still, and not crossing the line regarding personal choices, okay.

Currently deeply tired but unable to sleep, keep feeling jolted. Is it an obscure zombie movie or something.

The reverse of a Scottish fiver, it's got two fish on it, go away.

As you can still see what I'm saying on the secret behind scenes, fuck off, do I look frightened'

Am I bovverred, face not bovverred. I'm still not bovverred!!!!! She'll AVE yer head No I'm still not bovverred!!!

To be able to feasibly pay council tax without a very foreshortened lifespan means you need to afford a relative ability to yourselves in the first place. Piss off'

And the new safely contexted world record, for biggest taboo ever broken, goes to Vicky. I didn't use a picture of, get lost.

Okay, a person can't use the gateway, or they're invoking too strongly current people who would bring about their death, and online of them has been gauged impossible. Not your moral high ground on that issue either, do I look worried, I'm at the feasible max of trying to and it's you inferring I'm not allowed to not be abusively set up to fail.

Now in a legitimate normal other issues of life way, I need to climb down enough, to per charlamage, like we all are, which means I need to trace it backwards, that becomes forwards, if you keep going.

I remember up to as far as in recent years, a person was allowed to criticise and mock royalty. But now that the UK has become an Islamic country, it's prohibited to do so.

She's getting away, she's getting away, wah wah.

But in the end currently, the real judgement call is Palin's desert of the actual real Sahara. No point if you're foundational assumptions about reality are wrong.

When appropriate, no denying, but Christ know earlier were superceded. Don't suddenly forget how you do things now either.

Well a person can say too much, but they also need to cover their back, so I'll conclude for now thus.

My dear radagast, what news of this given in the air's. Ooh, it was on the tip of my tongue, that was it, it was a stick insect.

We've had enough of these mother fucking snakes, on this mother fucking plane, thankyou'

No, I fully concede if like murder level crimes; but Christ know a system in itself,even that one, is not really sacroscant.

£ 1.29 according to Tate and Lyle unrefined fair trade demerer, and your point being'

NB, I don't mean Nazism by this moble colour scheme, okay. Right, all ethnics, always interested to learn and not be racist, but if met with prejudice, that shot is now lined up to be on your own heads, okay. Well...

I don't give a fuck whether you do or don't anymore Japan, I'm looking forward most, to it just not being you anymore.

Bank, you are the weakest link, do the maths of the by very definition I can say so in the first place eh, see how you like it.

The character of a man is how he seeks a third right to bastards regicide when he's done it twice already, then threatens a court, who in turn threatens 360 quid for a phonecall.