
Showing posts from January, 2021


yeah, 2'

see yer, fuck off.

Planet Earth Has Fallen, it's the forth instalment.

I did get to the telly, but it's just sociological control in proxy japanese, no you can't no you can't no you can't. So I'm done here the grangemoor, but it's honestly not your fault, thanks for letting me in.

As I want to see how you fucking like it;- talk about latching on as a token me, is there any scope to ever get through myself please.

You try chatting with a first literal perceptuality;- when the line in, ain't ready yet.

Because I've caught up with the question in the first place. Anyway;- have a nice presidency, have a nice erm.

Call it a full force 9 hurricane for fuck's sake;- or you might get into trouble'

Do not kid yourselves;- yes I can hold it safely without blah blah, but when it comes to mass attitude and perception, utter fucking deepest hatred.

no, all of this honestly makes me feel so;- but am i supposed to react first literally;- Just leave the fucking room and floor it.

We getting that second opinion or what'

they claiming to be flawless, never ever of possibly could commit a wrong themselves on others...

no I'm not leaving the beatle's experience so short liverpool...

Any good doctor must be willing for second opinions, but first I'd just like to quickly show you.

As it was already written in;- so of course a person know's it's bullshit, or at the very least, for other reason's than given.

Right this one's to very close family, only mum, debra and tony alone;- via the physic's of the media's and airs.

It's not necessarilly disobedience in my case;- I most often don't due to a few reasons, but for just this one to explain.

Whatever gives to be honest, freeflow.

Understood, good;- then let's have the first coffee.