
Showing posts from November, 2019

But that level of unfamilar is perhaps a bit too unsettling to have 2 endlessly keep putting wt

Think madame vastra and straxx;- I advise a full frontal assault using lethal weaponry ;-)

It’s an awesome point actually, about life not allowing you to just be nice.

It’s called being forever fobbed off, so fast forward 800,000 years.

It’s a nice parallel world of mass victorian funeral wear for 1900 reloaded;- so tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1899.

Life has almost murdered the inbetween;- it’s either that lot, or almost alone with the occassional in passing. I remember there used to be a bit more common ground yer know.

It’s called being balanced about islam, yeah;- but the bible belt’s just as bad. Neither’s perfect, far from;- but hollywood dares to this far, so take it up with them'

Regarded so small, is all you are.

Forty siiiixxxx;- it’s now the butt of all new jokes ;-)

Me of 16 months ago, thought ahead;- and allowed for the eventuality, 45 knows things'

I’m just rather astonished by the difference emmat has made;- fucking good on yer.

We’re not talking black holes anymore;- that event horizon has been escaped no matter what even if they still believe they literally own black holes themselves ‘well good luck’. But I’d still say release all the cold fusion bombs;- this nuetron star is quite some ongoing long term pretender to the throne’

Do it, but it most certainly fucking wasn’t me who did.

Prisoner 24601, and the meaning of the laaawww'

@ Oh go take your issues up with the son / sun;- I’m not literally to blame for literally everything.

As from my perspective, you’ve all lost your innate humanities;- so no more, never again’

Well I’ve achieved brexit, even if you ain’t;- well so so much, but'

They’re called those who just talk without letting you in’

That was a toughie;- crickey, they do like to be sure.

The day the world went away.

I don’t need to be an expert in the field;- I just need to know how the world works.

@ size of the tie involved on the rebound;- but I’m doing all I can.

Nah chill;- it’s all extrapolatable’