
Showing posts from February, 2021

that 'jump' jackie chan once did, in rhumble in the bronx...

Well no, I wouldn't let on to so much;- but a person can be set up by way too many lies, then blamed themselves.

oh I ran into a bit of old school prejudice coming home from even buying paint and daring to have done the amount I have in 11 years.

Last April, can we please be moving along to sheerness, moo'

we all know it at varying levels;- old realities sometimes fall away, on account of them having become utterly impossible. Yes 'that given huge' But maybe making by that GOOD would effectually murder someone, due to the arena's they'd must. Yer with me'

yes, but I know a better way; and why wouldn't I employ such.

Well consider as a result there's nothing by default other than the fucking apocalypse anyway. So best you all start the 4 to the floor.

Only the dead may pass;- and now you must die.

well just why on earth wouldn't it to them;- be similar to here, going on about the two nukes.

i picked a single one daffodil this morning, that's how to fucking bring em down.

I'm not gloating or anything;- I'm just making sure it's still existant.

As I am knowing my own strength, it's honestly how strong I am, okay.

i must explain how such, well if you're in the 'in passing' sphere of such power;- is held acceptably safely from down ere. Gearing'

I'm sorry I've gone too 'bigged' on that one;- what we're doing now is proverbially descending mount everest back down to basecamp, okay.

it's like insisting sheer gross incomptence is competance, on pain of death threats.

as you tried 'that' with me.

As the fact stand's;- what yer gonna do in denying, not reinforce the point.

the quesion is are now a modern day relatively nazi state. 22 on a 2;- and that's what you first thought reasonable, so i'm incredibly sorry but it's a fair question, accept it.

It's called point blank refusal to even accept a breakdown is very painful debra, by your entire demographic;- and the way you relatively think is so dangerous to me it's unbelievable. So that's currently lifelong never seeing you again, sorry.

i concede to being a UK citizen, but i'd honestly pass the death sentence, in this instance.

well it was a crysler, and now it's leaving the hospital;- know that's headed the better direction and would be considered a marked improvement, okay.

6 coats;- and fuck everyone, that's enough. If it's still short my eye will learn to adjust, edging's still;- but for what's it's worth, I've got it up to ere for yer'

left 13.10 pm... yeah 5 hours out of'

As being 'me' ain't solely disadvantage really;- i believe you'll find 'I'm the one' with the 1 in 14,000 peripheral vision, not you.

limitless didn't have much to say in passing, but it might have some after suggestions.

as maybe very honestly...

At least be of sentience behind the eyes still I beg, thankyou.

Look, it must be atlanta, or it will never be the other side of atlanta thereafter. It's just being able to realise things like that now it's a 5.

okay, that's five coat's done,


This may be a totally foreign concept to you Japan;- but in the UK, if a boss and colleagues are being like that, a person is perfectly entitled to walk out of a job on the spot. Okay'

I'm tired of this earlier reality;- that apparantly doesn't possess it's later memories anymore.

See;- it is doable, it's just i wouldn't advise it without the expert experience from two breakdown's and recovery's first, okay; furking hell...

Just plain logic; I can't accept that much inability to see reason, is reason. The mind has to default elsethink somehow.

Look, I'm gonna be really honest here;- it speaks to every last one of us cross culturally globally, relatively.

As I am sick of this shit.

I know how to put this satisfactorilly for all.

A fifth coat, might just about;- then we'll start thinking about the edging pieces.

right, got it;- i think I know what this probe's saying arry.

perfectly correct;- I currently do feel rather vaguely gently shellshocked and discombobulated, yes. But I'm in my right mind and I'll, well what else can I do, but start walking this path eh, though if I'd say just one thing all you very big world known powerful people, it's this.

And meanwhile i'd say pick on someone your own fucking size, you're not big if you only unwarrantedly shit over others.

it's a simple enough question;- could you ever give the slightest first fuck about that which only ever intend's to hurt, control and harm you. well there yer go, exactly.

Could be birth dad's scene of death yer know;- but I've got it down to chilean miner's since.

in;- but oooh, sneezing fit, thus dying due to a vaguery.

Well maybe another blogpost is warranted;- not everyone's expert in my ways of things.

Yes was reasonable proxy self defence;- but now restore keep em happy context, yes that's the katniss we need "and you will burn with us, damn you snow"

And that's nahuel in now too;- can i ever just go home please.

As there's no relative light in their eyes currently, okay. but dakota air command always does start to crackle through;- who is this, does anyone know what's happenned. Yes they've lost all ability to see reason, but i can still see reason, okay.

Because it's Africa and the developing world to blame in reality Japan.

know what's unwise.

not as if diary method ain't back in now.